First World Problems
April 3 - "The hubs and I are having a headed discussion about the DVR and the priority of shows recording." Mike and I have two DVRs. This is a travesty. We can record up to 7 shows at one time, and we still have heated discussions about show priorities. By re-posting, I am proving I have NO shame. I think the discussion might have been about the prioritization of NCIS vs. Biggest Loser. Clearly - NCIS should win.
April 5 - "Can I please have in IV form today?" I think this one is self explanatory.... and could be posted every single day. I need my Diet Coke!
April 14 - "Up and out entirely too early for tire rotation and oil change. Car maintenance should be automatic and require no effort on my part." I HATE taking care of routine maintenance on my car - I think it's the thought of the time wasted, but since my 4Runner has close to 100K miles, I know I need to take care of it. Lord-a-mercy, I'd like it to last another 100K.
April 15 -" I've just vetoed a pair of shoes for Mike since he's not part of Run DNC circa 1988, although not Adidas - the feel is the same." via Facebook. He bought them anyway and now I feel compelled to play "It's Tricky" everytime I see the shoes.
April 17 - "Large RV busses pulling cars should not be allowed to merge on major interstates during rush hours." Clearly, someone's vacation made me waste 4 minutes while waiting to merge. I may be a little stressed if that made me that concerned to post!
April 20 - Retweet from Meghan McCain " Being the bad girl of the Republican party is like being the thinnest kid at fat camp - it's a low bar." This made me laugh out loud and nearly spit my Diet Coke out!
April 20 - Reply to my cousin (@john_higg) who tweeted "I find myself saying thank you to Siri." I agreed and then John said that it never hurt to be nice once she turned sentient. It's a little frightening, but how very Southern to think that good manners will matter!
April 21 - "The best magazine I've read in forever. The May issue is the best."
Rule 2 - Southerners never put dark meat in their chicken salad and always use real mayonnaise.
Rule 3 - A real Southern girl should own an iced tea pitcher and a deviled-egg plate.
(I know - I'm so deep!)
April 24 - "Headline on News-4-Jax - 'Man shoots girlfriend instead of hog.' Only in Jax is this a legit headline." This one struck me as too funny, until I later remembered that my brother and his best friend ditched the prom early to go hog hunting... Their dates might have gone along.. my family was only one shot away from being that headline.
April 25 - "Voting for Donald and Peta. #DWTS Their scores were too low." Hello - my name is Christi and I'm a DWTS addict.
This is my life....
By the way - there was also a trip to the movies with good friends, a play by the FBC Jax Academy to see my BFF's daughter in her solo debut (it was awesome), and a trip to Chicago which is a later post!
is it bad that i agreed and identified with every single one of your posts... as they say great minds :)
ReplyDeleteHey Christi!!! You are NOT crazy! Thanks for taking the time to say hello to me in be honest, I don't think I would have had the courage to do that...I'm really shy most of the time. But you made my night and my friends and I kept talking about what a small small world we live in. Have a great week :)